Bonobos’ Tool-Making Abilities Suggest Culture Wiring Improves Brain Capabilties
Kanzi and his late sister Panbanisha begin making sophisticated stone tools last year during a research project by IPLS scientist Itai Roffman conducted at the Iowa Primate Learning Sanctuary in Des Moines, Iowa. Roffman’s findings shocked scientists around the world, and news immediately went viral in the science world. At last count, there are over […]
Sue Savage-Rumbaugh Shares Hopes For Future on NPR Radio interview
Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, resident scientist at the Iowa Primate Learning Sanctuary, shares hope for the future in this radio interview with NPR’s Charity Nebbe on Talk of Iowa on Iowa Public Radio. Both Dr. Savage-Rumbuagh and Executive Director Julie Gilmore answered questions about historical and recent events at IPLS, formerly known as the Great Ape Trust […]